Sm@rtspan® Single Sheath

Our Sm@rtspan series of all Dielectric Self Supporting cables are very strong in order to withstand wild weather and heavy wind loads.
The most important benefits with our Sm@rtspan® series are:
• Strong to minimize cable sag, even for large spans.
• Compliant with industry standard fittings so that you don’t need any special training to secure the cable.
• Not containing any metallic elements, which makes the cable unaffected by electromagnetic fields.
• Can be installed on low, medium and high-voltage power lines without interruption of power service to customers.
• Available with anti-tracking sheath upon request, for installation in high electrical field strength.
The single sheath cable is suitable for short spans of up to maximum 150 metres.
For a more detailed description, please download our datasheet(s)/brochure.
Alternatively our contact details are listed below if you wish to speak to a Prysmian Product Specialist for further information.
Contact us:
PH: 0800 492 225
E-mail: [email protected]